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ABOUT Best Birthday Ever


BBE is about a birthday girl who goes through a ridiculous day.

Best Birthday Ever is a short VFX film directed by Alexis Jo (Me!).


How I came up with the 'Birthday' Idea

I've seen previous seniors working their butts off entire senior year just for one thing- senior thesis film. Usually, thesis screening is in April and May, and because my birthday is in April, I wanted to dedicate my own film to myself haha. As a VFX student, all this senior thesis thing is love and hate. I love Visual Effects with my biggest passion, but at times, I can't help the hatred feeling when I see myself dying over school assignment. Likewise, BBE is supposed to be a happy film since it is a story about a girl's birthday, but ironically, audience will feel sorry for Daisy who goes through the worst day in her life. 




Director of Photography


Andrew Abballe


Assistant Camera


Corey Pallezzi


Behind the Scenes


Karis Oh



Taylor Moury as Daisy


Kyle Stevens as Flower guy/ Insurance guy


Siva Pemmasani as Daisy's Boss


Ryan Rakes as Skater boy


Extras TBD



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